Sometimes, there is every reason to get stressed out. Because sometimes, a lot of important things are throwing urgent shit at you that you best handle. Sometimes a lot of important things do this simultaneously. Which is a bummer, but can also be a bit of an adrenaline rush.

After those shit-shots have been handled and stop getting fired, you’d best chill. Except for some people, me included, wwho don’t tend to chill by being super relaxed and do nothing, but rather by exploring new things and making stuff, which can be hard to tell from the stressful stuff in the first place, it is tough to know when you are chilling.

If this is you, then take a deep breath. And chill.

What do you want to do right now, no matter how long it would take?

Does the thought of starting to do that thing right now stress you out?

If so, please enumerate now the things that need to be done before you can do what you want. Be honest. It’s fine if you have a lot on your plate. Don’t go chasing dreams if you are tied down, it’s exhausting and unproductive.

But if the things on your list are not all that important, really, but more the nice-to-haves of leading a human existence, then chill.


Time, after all, is finite, and best spent on labours of love.